Implementations and Regulations
1. The SENIOR CARE Communications Center shall be the FGCPI secretariat to compile, update and monitor the roster of SENIOR CARE members from all participating golf clubs, then disseminate these to, inform, and coordinate with, all participating clubs on any activity of the SENIOR CARE PROGRAMS.
2. A SENIOR CARE coordinator shall also be assigned to compile, update and monitor the membership status of those who belong to the Senior Care Program and to communicate and coordinate with the Federation on all activities of the SENIOR CARE PROGRAM.
3. All participating clubs must submit every month to the Federation and update on the club Senior membership status of those who belong to the SENIOR CARE PROGRAM segregating the names of those who are new and resigned members.
4. SENIOR CARE members who are considered delinquent and by their home clubs shall be suspended from the program until considered in good standing by their home club.
5. When ever feasible, the Federation will publish and transmit through the website the most current information on the SENIOR CARE PROGRAM activities.